Overall Media Process 媒 介 简 报
Table of contents 提 案 内 容
Recap of basic media terminology
Media role in the process of communication plan
begin with media brief
How to determine objective and strategy
Media selection and mix
How to utilise the media data
总 结 一 些 主 要 媒 介 用 词
媒 介 的 角 色
由 媒 介 的 提 示 开 始
怎 样 决 定 媒 介 目 标 及 策 略
媒 介 选 择 及 组 合
怎 样 有 效 利 用 媒 介 资 料
Recap of basic media terminology 媒 介 用 词
Target Audience Rating Point (TARPs or TVR)
example 400,000 target audience watched the TVC
1,687,000 total target population
= 23.7 TVR or TARPs
目 标 受 众 收 视 点
Recap of basic media terminology 媒介用词
Gross Rating Points (GRPs)
is the summation of TARPs of a specified campaign
the number of target audience impacts generated by a defined burst of advertising expressed as a percentage of the target audience universe
毛 收 视 点
是 目 标 受 众 收 视 点 的 总 和
Recap of basic media terminology 媒介用词
到 达 率
Recap of basic media terminology 媒介用词
Average Frequency
A one-week schedule with 144 GRPs & 61% reach, the average frequency is :
144 GRPs
------------ = 2.4 Ave. frequency
61% Reach
平 均 收 看 频 次
Recap of basic media terminology 媒介用词
CPRP ( Cost Per Rating Point )
The cost required to reach one percent of the target audience
每 收 视 点 的 价 值
Recap of basic media terminology 媒介用词
CPM ( Cost per thousand )
The cost required to reach each thousand of target audience
每 千 人 的 价 值
Four P’s in marketing process 市 场 策 略 的 4 个P
The role of advertising in the marketing process 广 告 担 当 的 角 色
Marketing Mix : Four P’s
i. The Product
ii. The Price of that product
iii. The Place where the product would be sold
iv. The Promotion activities that will facilitate or
induce a consumer to buy the product
i. 产 品
ii. 价 格
iii. 销 售 渠 道
iv. 广 告 及 推 广
The role of media in the advertising process 媒 介 担 当 的 角 色
Media is equally important the creative if not more than
The greatest creative copy needs a right media vehicle to deliver to the right people, at the right time, at the right level
跟 广 告 创 意 同 等 地 位
广 告 创 意 的 传 达, 有 赖 正 确 的 渠 道, 目 标 受 众 及 有 效 频 次 和 适 当 时 间。
Media planning is … 媒 体 策 划 要 考 虑 ...
How many prospects do I need to reach? ( Reach )
In which medium should I place my ads? ( Media choice )
How many times should prospects see each ad ? ( Frequency )
In which months should ads appear? ( Seasonality )
In which markets should ads appear? ( Geographically )
How much money should be spent in each medium? ( Media weight )
媒 体选 择
广 告 预 算
Media planning process 媒 介 策 划 流 程
Media Brief
Formulation of Media Objectives & Strategy
Drawing of the Preliminary Media Plan
Detailed Media Plan and buying
媒 介 提 示
确 定 媒 介 目 标 及 策 略
媒 介 计 划 表
执 行 购 买 工 作
Media Briefing 媒 介 提 示
A good media plan starts with a good media brief
A good media brief helps to
set direction
prioritise focus
stimulate media creativity
A good media brief should be
comprehensive & clear
supported with figures if possible
好 的 媒 介 提 案 从 媒 介 提 示 开 始
媒 介 提 示 可 以 帮 助
确 定 方 向
编 排 重 要 性
提 高 创 意
同 时 具 备
详 细 及 清 晰 资 料
有 数 据 支 持
合 逻 辑 的
Essential information of a media brief 总 结 有 以 下 主 要 内 容
The Six Ws
1. HoW
Marketing Objectives
Advertising Objectives
市 场 目 标
广 告 目 标
Essential information of a media brief 总结有以下主要内容
2. Where
Consumption locations
Sales by regions/markets
主 要 销 售 场 所
区 域 销 售 分 布
Essential information of a media brief 总结有以下主要内容
3. What
Product information
Brand awareness
Brand share/Market penetration
Media Budget/Production budget
What are the creative materials
产 品 资 料
产 品 知 名 度
产 品 市 场 占 有 率
媒 介 预 算
创 作 概 念
Essential information of a media brief 总结有以下主要内容
4. Who
Target consumer
Source of business
Key competitors
目 标 受 众
销 售 来 源
主 要 竞 争 对 手
Essential information of a media brief 总结有以下主要内容
5. When
Product life cycle
Purchase time/usage time
Campaign period/fiscal year
季 节
产 品 寿 命
购 买 周 期
广 告 推 广 周 期
Essential information of a media brief 总结有以下主要内容
6. Why
maintain a critical mind
give thoughts
合 理 性 的
侧 面 创 意
Media Objective 媒 介 目 标
What do we want to achieve ?
Factors for consideration Marketing objectives
Advertising objectives
Budget limitations
Creative implications
Competitive strategy
主 要 考 虑:
市 场 目 标
广 告 目 标
广 告 预 算
创 意 启 示
竞 争 对 手 表 现
Media Strategy 媒 介 策 略
How do we achieve the set objective(s)?
Media Selection
Media Mix
Buying Strategy
怎 样 达 到 媒 介 目 标
媒 介 选 择
媒 介 组 合
购 买 策 略
Media selection is based on 媒 介 选 择
Comparison by Numbers
Beyond the Numbers
数 据 比 较
质 量 比 较
Comparison by numbers 数 据 比 较
Coverage capability
the higher target penetration, the least the wastage
Cost Efficiency
The medium providing the highest coverage may not be necessarily the one with the best cost efficiency. The cost efficiency comparison is an important criteria to suggest a second or third medium to be included as part of the media mix to improve the overall efficiency of the schedule
覆 盖 能 力
媒 介 有 效 值
Beyond the numbers 质 量 比 较
Reasons for using -dynamic product demonstration
- mass coverage
- cost efficiency
Limitations - high total cost
- short life messages
- cluttered advertising environment
电 视
- 强 项 -生 动, 有 感 染 力
-大 众 化
-有 效
-弱 点 -广 告 费 用 大
- 短 暂 的
-复 杂 的
Beyond the numbers 质量比较
Reasons for using - sense of immediacy
- flexibility
- mass reach or targeted reach
Limitations - high total cost
- cluttered advertising environment
-less production quality
-强项 -有新闻重要性
-弱点 -费用大
Beyond the numbers 质量比较
Reasons for using - fine colour reproduction
- longer life span
- higher pass-along readership
- targeted reach
Limitations - lack of immediacy
- slow building of reach
-强项 -印刷精美
-弱点 -效力缓慢
Beyond the numbers 质量比较
Reasons for using - low cost
- targeted reach
- flexibility
Limitations - audio only
- lack of mass coverage
- cluttered advertising environment
电 台
强 项 - 费 用 便 宜
- 目 标 受 众 集 中
- 灵 活 性
弱 点 - 没 有 视 觉 效 应
- 覆 盖 面 浅
Beyond the numbers 质量比较
Outdoor (MTR / billboards / neon sign etc)
Reasons for using - wide coverage
- attentive
- flexibility
- around-the-clock exposure
Limitations - high cost for impact
- limited to simple messages
- space availability
户 外
强 项 - 覆 盖 面 广
- 受 注 意 的
- 灵 活 性
弱 点 - 费 用 不 便 宜
- 不 可 用 复 杂 的 广 告 内 容
- 不 容 易 找 到 黄 金 位 置
Media mix 媒 介 组 合
The benefit of using a media mix
extend the reach
reinforce the message
present different product features based on the different characteristics of each medium
扩 大 覆 盖 率
加 强 不 同 的 感 染 力
不 同 的 创 意 模 式
How to evaluate a media plan 怎 样 评 估 媒 介 计 划 书
Does your plan meet your media objectives ?
以 媒 介 提 示 作 为 参 考 标 准
How to use the media data ? 怎 样 运 用 媒 介 研 究 资 料
Competitive analysis 竞 争 对 手 资 料
Give strategic insights
media facts and findings
but not mean being followers
induce the competitive intelligence
media impact vs media spending
供 应 策 略 性 的 观 点
媒 介 数 据
但 不 是 说 要 用 后 来 者
对 手 策 略 得 到 指 引
媒 介 效 应 为 主, 投 放 价 值 为 副
Standard reach curve 标准到达率图表
Certain principles about building reach 建立到达率的规则
Reach generally builds very quickly at first
After time, it becomes difficult to increase reach
Increasing reach further means reaching light TV viewers
Increasing TARPs tends to increase frequency rather than reach
最后, 投放的作用主要放在提升收看广告的频次.
Effective frequency 有效的收看频次
The definition
The number of exposures your target audience need to produce an optimum response from our advertising within a given period of time
Effective frequency Range 有效的收看频次范围
The theory
There is a minimum advertising exposure level for a product, below which there have not sufficient effect on the advertising goal
There is also a maximum level above which there have either no further enhancement to the ad goal or even significant diminishing returns
More focus delivery is expected with minimum wastage of resources
Effective reach 有效的覆盖率
The definition
(%) of the target audience who have had the opportunity to see the commercial at the Effective Frequency
Effective frequency range optimal approach 有效的媒体投放部署
How to utilise the media data … 怎样利用媒介研究资料
Ovaltine weekly awareness and GRPs 知名度与广告投放
Ovaltine awareness smoothed 知名度与广告投放
Constant decay factor of 20% gives correlation 知名度衰退速度
While Panadol has a decay factor of only 5% 知名度衰退速度
How to do the optimum plan with data … 怎样做最有效的媒介计划书
Questions 问题
A TV campaign delivers 500 GRPs and reaches 74% of all people. What is the average frequency of exposure (OTS) to the advertising amongst people who were exposed to it ?
Questions and Answers 答案
A TV campaign delivers 500 GRPs and reaches 74% of all people. What is the average frequency of exposure (OTS) to the advertising amongst people who were exposed to it ?
Questions 问题
A TV campaign is bought against a target audience of people 15 to 35 and an effective frequency criteria of 3 to 6. The maximum possible reach for the target audience seeing the advertising between 3 and 6 times is achieved at 350 GRPs. What happens to this reach if you buy a further 200 GRPs ?
Questions and Answers 答案
A TV campaign is bought against a target audience of people 15 to 35 and an effective frequency criteria of 3 to 6. The maximum possible reach for the target audience seeing the advertising between 3 and 6 times is achieved at 350 GRPs. What happens to this reach if you buy a further 200 GRPs ?
The 3-6 reach will go down because there will be more people exposed to more than 6 impacts for every incremental GRP than people going from 2 to 3 exposures
覆 盖 率 的 图 线 会 下 降
Questions 问题
Your client manufactures eye glasses. He asks you to prepare a TV media plan and advises you that the target audience is “people with bad eyesight”. What’s wrong with that?
Questions and Answers 答案
Your client manufactures eye glasses. He asks you to prepare a TV media plan and advises you that the target audience is “people with bad eyesight”. What’s wrong with that?
Bad eyesight is not a valid target audience definition because it is a genetic physical characteristic distributed randomly through the population which does not effect media consumption or lifestyle. The argument that they cannot see the TV is no good since most people with problem vision wear glasses already but may well be in the market for a newer smarter pair
“ 有 视 觉 问 题 的 观 众” 不 是 媒 介 设 定 目 标 受 众 的 范 畴
Questions 问题
You are asked to prepare an analysis looking at the effects of media investment on your FMCG client’s business over the last five years. You have various sets of data to analyse. Which of the following correlations is likely to be the strongest and why ?
Media Spend vs Sales
Share of Voice vs Market Share
Unaided Ad. Awareness vs GRPs
GRPs vs Volume sales
Prompted Brand Awareness vs Market Share
假 如 要 分 析 以 下 相 关 的 媒 介 研 究 资 料, 谁 是 最 有 密 切 关 联。
媒 介 投 放 与 销 量
媒 介 占 有 率 与 市 场 占 有 率
知 名 度 与 毛 收 视 点
毛 收 视 点 与 销 量
知 名 度 与 市 场 占 有 率
Questions and Answers 答案
You are asked to prepare an analysis looking at the effects of media investment on your FMCG client’s business over the last five years. You have various sets of data to analyse. Which of the following correlations is likely to be the strongest and why ?
Media Spend vs Sales
Share of Voice vs Market Share
*Unaided Ad. Awareness vs GRPs*
GRPs vs Volume sales
Prompted Brand Awareness vs Market Share
There is a direct causal effect between the amount of advertising people see and the extent to which it is remembered. All the other relationships are on other factors in the marketing mix and thus less likely to yield a strong correlation and may not be causally related.
知 名 度 与 收 视 点
Questions 问题
Your client’s product has a 10% share of market in January 1999. His objective is to increase that share to 25% by January 2000. Assuming the product category volume remains the same, what constant monthly share increase will be needed to achieve this objective?
你 的 客 户 有10% 市 场 占 有 率, 他 们 希 望 一 年 后 可 以 提 升 到25%, 假 设 竞 争 环 境 不 变, 而 客 户 产 品 每 月 保 持 一 样 的 增 长 速 度, 请 问 这 个 增 长 速 度 是 什 么?
Questions and Answers 答案
Your client’s product has a 10% share of market in January 1999. His objective is to increase that share to 25% by January 2000. Assuming the product category volume remains the same, what constant monthly share increase will be needed to achieve this objective?
It’s compound interest. The answer is 7.9348 %. Anything close gets the marks
这 是 个 复 合 累 积 利 率 的 计 算, 答 案 是 7.9348%。
Overall Media Process 媒 介 简 报
Table of contents 提 案 内 容
Recap of basic media terminology
Media role in the process of communication plan
begin with media brief
How to determine objective and strategy
Media selection and mix
How to utilise the media data
总 结 一 些 主 要 媒 介 用 词
媒 介 的 角 色
由 媒 介 的 提 示 开 始
怎 样 决 定 媒 介 目 标 及 策 略
媒 介 选 择 及 组 合
怎 样 有 效 利 用 媒 介 资 料
Recap of basic media terminology 媒 介 用 词
Target Audience Rating Point (TARPs or TVR)
example 400,000 target audience watched the TVC
1,687,000 total target population
= 23.7 TVR or TARPs
目 标 受 众 收 视 点
Recap of basic media terminology 媒介用词
Gross Rating Points (GRPs)
is the summation of TARPs of a specified campaign
the number of target audience impacts generated by a defined burst of advertising expressed as a percentage of the target audience universe
毛 收 视 点
是 目 标 受 众 收 视 点 的 总 和
Recap of basic media terminology 媒介用词
到 达 率
Recap of basic media terminology 媒介用词
Average Frequency
A one-week schedule with 144 GRPs & 61% reach, the average frequency is :
144 GRPs
------------ = 2.4 Ave. frequency
61% Reach
平 均 收 看 频 次
Recap of basic media terminology 媒介用词
CPRP ( Cost Per Rating Point )
The cost required to reach one percent of the target audience
每 收 视 点 的 价 值
Recap of basic media terminology 媒介用词
CPM ( Cost per thousand )
The cost required to reach each thousand of target audience
每 千 人 的 价 值
Four P’s in marketing process 市 场 策 略 的 4 个P
The role of advertising in the marketing process 广 告 担 当 的 角 色
Marketing Mix : Four P’s
i. The Product
ii. The Price of that product
iii. The Place where the product would be sold
iv. The Promotion activities that will facilitate or
induce a consumer to buy the product
i. 产 品
ii. 价 格
iii. 销 售 渠 道
iv. 广 告 及 推 广
The role of media in the advertising process 媒 介 担 当 的 角 色
Media is equally important the creative if not more than
The greatest creative copy needs a right media vehicle to deliver to the right people, at the right time, at the right level
跟 广 告 创 意 同 等 地 位
广 告 创 意 的 传 达, 有 赖 正 确 的 渠 道, 目 标 受 众 及 有 效 频 次 和 适 当 时 间。
Media planning is … 媒 体 策 划 要 考 虑 ...
How many prospects do I need to reach? ( Reach )
In which medium should I place my ads? ( Media choice )
How many times should prospects see each ad ? ( Frequency )
In which months should ads appear? ( Seasonality )
In which markets should ads appear? ( Geographically )
How much money should be spent in each medium? ( Media weight )
媒 体选 择
广 告 预 算
Media planning process 媒 介 策 划 流 程
Media Brief
Formulation of Media Objectives & Strategy
Drawing of the Preliminary Media Plan
Detailed Media Plan and buying
媒 介 提 示
确 定 媒 介 目 标 及 策 略
媒 介 计 划 表
执 行 购 买 工 作
Media Briefing 媒 介 提 示
A good media plan starts with a good media brief
A good media brief helps to
set direction
prioritise focus
stimulate media creativity
A good media brief should be
comprehensive & clear
supported with figures if possible
好 的 媒 介 提 案 从 媒 介 提 示 开 始
媒 介 提 示 可 以 帮 助
确 定 方 向
编 排 重 要 性
提 高 创 意
同 时 具 备
详 细 及 清 晰 资 料
有 数 据 支 持
合 逻 辑 的
Essential information of a media brief 总 结 有 以 下 主 要 内 容
The Six Ws
1. HoW
Marketing Objectives
Advertising Objectives
市 场 目 标
广 告 目 标
Essential information of a media brief 总结有以下主要内容
2. Where
Consumption locations
Sales by regions/markets
主 要 销 售 场 所
区 域 销 售 分 布
Essential information of a media brief 总结有以下主要内容
3. What
Product information
Brand awareness
Brand share/Market penetration
Media Budget/Production budget
What are the creative materials
产 品 资 料
产 品 知 名 度
产 品 市 场 占 有 率
媒 介 预 算
创 作 概 念
Essential information of a media brief 总结有以下主要内容
4. Who
Target consumer
Source of business
Key competitors
目 标 受 众
销 售 来 源
主 要 竞 争 对 手
Essential information of a media brief 总结有以下主要内容
5. When
Product life cycle
Purchase time/usage time
Campaign period/fiscal year
季 节
产 品 寿 命
购 买 周 期
广 告 推 广 周 期
Essential information of a media brief 总结有以下主要内容
6. Why
maintain a critical mind
give thoughts
合 理 性 的
侧 面 创 意
Media Objective 媒 介 目 标
What do we want to achieve ?
Factors for consideration Marketing objectives
Advertising objectives
Budget limitations
Creative implications
Competitive strategy
主 要 考 虑:
市 场 目 标
广 告 目 标
广 告 预 算
创 意 启 示
竞 争 对 手 表 现
Media Strategy 媒 介 策 略
How do we achieve the set objective(s)?
Media Selection
Media Mix
Buying Strategy
怎 样 达 到 媒 介 目 标
媒 介 选 择
媒 介 组 合
购 买 策 略
Media selection is based on 媒 介 选 择
Comparison by Numbers
Beyond the Numbers
数 据 比 较
质 量 比 较
Comparison by numbers 数 据 比 较
Coverage capability
the higher target penetration, the least the wastage
Cost Efficiency
The medium providing the highest coverage may not be necessarily the one with the best cost efficiency. The cost efficiency comparison is an important criteria to suggest a second or third medium to be included as part of the media mix to improve the overall efficiency of the schedule
覆 盖 能 力
媒 介 有 效 值
Beyond the numbers 质 量 比 较
Reasons for using -dynamic product demonstration
- mass coverage
- cost efficiency
Limitations - high total cost
- short life messages
- cluttered advertising environment
电 视
- 强 项 -生 动, 有 感 染 力
-大 众 化
-有 效
-弱 点 -广 告 费 用 大
- 短 暂 的
-复 杂 的
Beyond the numbers 质量比较
Reasons for using - sense of immediacy
- flexibility
- mass reach or targeted reach
Limitations - high total cost
- cluttered advertising environment
-less production quality
-强项 -有新闻重要性
-弱点 -费用大
Beyond the numbers 质量比较
Reasons for using - fine colour reproduction
- longer life span
- higher pass-along readership
- targeted reach
Limitations - lack of immediacy
- slow building of reach
-强项 -印刷精美
-弱点 -效力缓慢
Beyond the numbers 质量比较
Reasons for using - low cost
- targeted reach
- flexibility
Limitations - audio only
- lack of mass coverage
- cluttered advertising environment
电 台
强 项 - 费 用 便 宜
- 目 标 受 众 集 中
- 灵 活 性
弱 点 - 没 有 视 觉 效 应
- 覆 盖 面 浅
Beyond the numbers 质量比较
Outdoor (MTR / billboards / neon sign etc)
Reasons for using - wide coverage
- attentive
- flexibility
- around-the-clock exposure
Limitations - high cost for impact
- limited to simple messages
- space availability
户 外
强 项 - 覆 盖 面 广
- 受 注 意 的
- 灵 活 性
弱 点 - 费 用 不 便 宜
- 不 可 用 复 杂 的 广 告 内 容
- 不 容 易 找 到 黄 金 位 置
Media mix 媒 介 组 合
The benefit of using a media mix
extend the reach
reinforce the message
present different product features based on the different characteristics of each medium
扩 大 覆 盖 率
加 强 不 同 的 感 染 力
不 同 的 创 意 模 式
How to evaluate a media plan 怎 样 评 估 媒 介 计 划 书
Does your plan meet your media objectives ?
以 媒 介 提 示 作 为 参 考 标 准
How to use the media data ? 怎 样 运 用 媒 介 研 究 资 料
Competitive analysis 竞 争 对 手 资 料
Give strategic insights
media facts and findings
but not mean being followers
induce the competitive intelligence
media impact vs media spending
供 应 策 略 性 的 观 点
媒 介 数 据
但 不 是 说 要 用 后 来 者
对 手 策 略 得 到 指 引
媒 介 效 应 为 主, 投 放 价 值 为 副
Standard reach curve 标准到达率图表
Certain principles about building reach 建立到达率的规则
Reach generally builds very quickly at first
After time, it becomes difficult to increase reach
Increasing reach further means reaching light TV viewers
Increasing TARPs tends to increase frequency rather than reach
最后, 投放的作用主要放在提升收看广告的频次.
Effective frequency 有效的收看频次
The definition
The number of exposures your target audience need to produce an optimum response from our advertising within a given period of time
Effective frequency Range 有效的收看频次范围
The theory
There is a minimum advertising exposure level for a product, below which there have not sufficient effect on the advertising goal
There is also a maximum level above which there have either no further enhancement to the ad goal or even significant diminishing returns
More focus delivery is expected with minimum wastage of resources
Effective reach 有效的覆盖率
The definition
(%) of the target audience who have had the opportunity to see the commercial at the Effective Frequency
Effective frequency range optimal approach 有效的媒体投放部署
How to utilise the media data … 怎样利用媒介研究资料
Ovaltine weekly awareness and GRPs 知名度与广告投放
Ovaltine awareness smoothed 知名度与广告投放
Constant decay factor of 20% gives correlation 知名度衰退速度
While Panadol has a decay factor of only 5% 知名度衰退速度
How to do the optimum plan with data … 怎样做最有效的媒介计划书
Questions 问题
A TV campaign delivers 500 GRPs and reaches 74% of all people. What is the average frequency of exposure (OTS) to the advertising amongst people who were exposed to it ?
Questions and Answers 答案
A TV campaign delivers 500 GRPs and reaches 74% of all people. What is the average frequency of exposure (OTS) to the advertising amongst people who were exposed to it ?
Questions 问题
A TV campaign is bought against a target audience of people 15 to 35 and an effective frequency criteria of 3 to 6. The maximum possible reach for the target audience seeing the advertising between 3 and 6 times is achieved at 350 GRPs. What happens to this reach if you buy a further 200 GRPs ?
Questions and Answers 答案
A TV campaign is bought against a target audience of people 15 to 35 and an effective frequency criteria of 3 to 6. The maximum possible reach for the target audience seeing the advertising between 3 and 6 times is achieved at 350 GRPs. What happens to this reach if you buy a further 200 GRPs ?
The 3-6 reach will go down because there will be more people exposed to more than 6 impacts for every incremental GRP than people going from 2 to 3 exposures
覆 盖 率 的 图 线 会 下 降
Questions 问题
Your client manufactures eye glasses. He asks you to prepare a TV media plan and advises you that the target audience is “people with bad eyesight”. What’s wrong with that?
Questions and Answers 答案
Your client manufactures eye glasses. He asks you to prepare a TV media plan and advises you that the target audience is “people with bad eyesight”. What’s wrong with that?
Bad eyesight is not a valid target audience definition because it is a genetic physical characteristic distributed randomly through the population which does not effect media consumption or lifestyle. The argument that they cannot see the TV is no good since most people with problem vision wear glasses already but may well be in the market for a newer smarter pair
“ 有 视 觉 问 题 的 观 众” 不 是 媒 介 设 定 目 标 受 众 的 范 畴
Questions 问题
You are asked to prepare an analysis looking at the effects of media investment on your FMCG client’s business over the last five years. You have various sets of data to analyse. Which of the following correlations is likely to be the strongest and why ?
Media Spend vs Sales
Share of Voice vs Market Share
Unaided Ad. Awareness vs GRPs
GRPs vs Volume sales
Prompted Brand Awareness vs Market Share
假 如 要 分 析 以 下 相 关 的 媒 介 研 究 资 料, 谁 是 最 有 密 切 关 联。
媒 介 投 放 与 销 量
媒 介 占 有 率 与 市 场 占 有 率
知 名 度 与 毛 收 视 点
毛 收 视 点 与 销 量
知 名 度 与 市 场 占 有 率
Questions and Answers 答案
You are asked to prepare an analysis looking at the effects of media investment on your FMCG client’s business over the last five years. You have various sets of data to analyse. Which of the following correlations is likely to be the strongest and why ?
Media Spend vs Sales
Share of Voice vs Market Share
*Unaided Ad. Awareness vs GRPs*
GRPs vs Volume sales
Prompted Brand Awareness vs Market Share
There is a direct causal effect between the amount of advertising people see and the extent to which it is remembered. All the other relationships are on other factors in the marketing mix and thus less likely to yield a strong correlation and may not be causally related.
知 名 度 与 收 视 点
Questions 问题
Your client’s product has a 10% share of market in January 1999. His objective is to increase that share to 25% by January 2000. Assuming the product category volume remains the same, what constant monthly share increase will be needed to achieve this objective?
你 的 客 户 有10% 市 场 占 有 率, 他 们 希 望 一 年 后 可 以 提 升 到25%, 假 设 竞 争 环 境 不 变, 而 客 户 产 品 每 月 保 持 一 样 的 增 长 速 度, 请 问 这 个 增 长 速 度 是 什 么?
Questions and Answers 答案
Your client’s product has a 10% share of market in January 1999. His objective is to increase that share to 25% by January 2000. Assuming the product category volume remains the same, what constant monthly share increase will be needed to achieve this objective?
It’s compound interest. The answer is 7.9348 %. Anything close gets the marks
这 是 个 复 合 累 积 利 率 的 计 算, 答 案 是 7.9348%。
- 1社会保障基础知识(ppt) 16695
- 2安全生产事故案例分析(ppt 16695
- 3行政专员岗位职责 16695
- 4品管部岗位职责与任职要求 16695
- 5员工守则 16695
- 6软件验收报告 16695
- 7问卷调查表(范例) 16695
- 8工资发放明细表 16695
- 9文件签收单 16695
- 10跟我学礼仪 16695